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Thursday, August 23, 2012

The 'I' seeking the 'I'

The journey of enlightenment comes from self seeking self, 

the I seeking the I, 

just here we can have a freedom and liberation, 

but who is seeking who, 

the doer or the non doer, 

especially as our ego or identity is quite temporary the journey of enlightenment comes from self seeking self,

the I seeking the I, 

just here we can have a freedom and liberation, 

but who is seeking who, 

the doer or the non doer, 

especially as our ego or identity is quite temporary.....

Look to see what behaviours you are indulging in over and over again that are clearly not serving you. 

Then, go on a "bad habit diet." 

I mean it. 

I'm not kidding; 

Pick one bad habit, 

one bad behaviour a day for five days. 

You can do this. 

Stop doing the stuff you're doing that obviously does not serve you--or others.

A question creates awareness, let's keep asking
The greatest toxic waste on earth is people's anger, rage, fury and hate.
What if dedicating your life to the joy of it, would eradicate anger, rage, fury and hate? ...
Want to give it a try?? 
If nothing else happens at least your life will be more joyful!!


The life I seek it calls to me. I've made my way through history.
Give me a reason to be true and show me what I'm meant to do.
So many dreams inside of me, so many things I long to see.
I'm chasing destiny. I am not alone, believe me.

We don't know where we belong
We're all walking the same road
If I journey on with you
Maybe I'll find who I am too

Ever searching for a place
Unifies the human race
Put your hand in mine
We will find the meaning of life.....Reuben Halsey.