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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Just know, intuition doesn't come across in words. It comes through as a vibration that speaks to your heart. Tune in and feel the energy moving you in the direction of your highest and most supportive good, let it..

I ask this day for the patience to allow myself to rest my mind and body and enjoy the peace of my inner spirit. 
Please assist me in releasing from my mental grip all that concerns and 
troubles my being and help me turn my life over to the guidance of your will over mine. 

Let me sit back and use my eyes and ears 
to look for signs of your most loving presence overseeing my way, and 
use my heart to follow these subtle threads through the darkest corners of my fears and 
into the bright light of your ever present wisdom. 

Let me breathe in the knowing that this day, in your spirit and mine, all is well. 

I ask this day for the presence of mind and heart to move beyond the story I carry about my life, and surrender instead into the fullness and wonder of simply being ME in this life. 

Let me remember that 
my true nature is pure love and light, 
energy in motion creating my glorious human experience, 
an artist in every sense, and 
assist my effort so that this day I create unspeakable beauty. 

Grant me the grace this day to live to the edges of my true SELF and allow you, God, to move through me.

Feeling your deep love for me in my heart and soul and 
I am filled with gratitude beyond measure for all the blessings you shower upon me this and every day of my life. 

Help me now open to living my greater self this day and leave my limited and wounded self behind. 

Wake up my senses to this moment so that I may be filled from within, 
touching, and 
taking in the scents of my exquisite life, 
knowing that from my soul's perspective, 
pain and pleasure,light and dark, it's all good. 

And so it is.
