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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A note in an Eternal Song. A step in an Infinite Dance.

Exploring the yucky, yummy, juicy, sexy, stinky, crazy, beautiful, grace-soaked non-journey journey we sometimes call 'awakening'.... 

This moment contains no time. That's why it is so infinitely precious. 
The instant I stop looking for 'this moment' I find it everywhere. 
Joy of present moment is bliss.

Out of primordial not-knowing, a cloudburst thought appears, and possession begins. Not-knowing turns to "I don't know" in a heartbeat, and now there is the illusion of a "person who doesn't know".

Is that who you really are? 
A person who doesn't know?

And here, in this misidentification, the search of a lifetime begins. 

The "one who doesn't know" seeks to become its own negation, the "one who knows", assuming that freedom lies in that direction.

"One day, I will know..."

But the liberation we seek was there from the very beginning, prior to the "I don't know", in the impersonal not-knowing, the profound mystery that gives rise to universes. 
Absolute peace.

All the knowledge in the world won't satisfy us. 

The weight of intellectual understanding even suffocates some. 
The books rot, the authority figures die, the clever words are forgotten, and we are brought to our knees in exhaustion, free falling into the loving surrender of not knowing once again. 

It is at it was. 
Nothing except Here, Now, This.

Total simplicity.

A full circle and nothing has ever happened save imagination.
