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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Awakened Strength.....

The Basis of Your Life is Freedom;
The Purpose of Your Life is Joy.
You are loved.
All is well.

Things are how they are, but I would allow people to decide for themselves how they should be. This is certainly not how I believe thing should be.

Obviously similar disasters are happening elsewhere around the world, but it is never an excuse to murder innocent people.

My thoughts tonight are with all of the victims and their families. Let's allow ourselves to feel shock, grief, loss and sadness, and let us not be overtaken by irrational thoughts and vengeance.

Life is not something to be left forgotten on the windowsill of habit by you and me.
Life is the rapture of a hand that harvests.
Life is the taste of the first black fig in the acrid mouth of summer.
Life is the dimension of a tree in the eye of an insect.
Life is the moth's experience in darkness.
Life is a strange feeling that a migrating bird has.
Life is the whistling of a train that echoes in the sleep of a bridge.
Life is watching a flowerbed from the sealed window of an aeroplane. Is the news of the launch of a rocket to space, touching the loneliness of Moon, The notion of smelling a flower on another planet.
Life is washing a dish.
Life is finding a penny in the brook of the street.
Life is 'square root' of mirror.
Life is flower 'to the power' of eternity.
Life is 'multiplication' of earth by beatings of our hearts.

I´m certain that the families, who now face the greatest loss of all, do not feel "a soft well-being, elegant co-creation or  those things are as they should be".

I´m sorry for their loss and I hope that they too, at some point, will be able to celebrate the contrasts of life again.

A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us.

It might happen when we show a new flash of healthy assertiveness during a conflict with someone who is refusing to hear our position.

That’s what we call Awakened strength!

If we understand that then we will be full of free do, joy and love, but if we will run towards of this all they will run from us.

Actual miracles is that if we just understand and we will got all to this situation we call consciousness!

(in the memory of Robert Arthur)
