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Friday, June 28, 2013

Encapsulates the key ingredient of nondual teachings.....

"In the beingness itself there is no anxiety or waiting.
No waiting, no anticipating, no next.
Recognize the Self that is not on the way to becoming another state.
It is stateless. It simply Is.
It is not the thinking mind.
Recognize the difference between thought and Self.
Thought is more like the wind that moves about,
but Self is like space which is present everywhere and doesn't move about.
Space has no opinion about thought.
Thoughts cannot crash into space for space is formless.
Recognise, acknowledge and be one with the space which Is.
This is natural for you.
It doesn't matter what the mind says about that.
It may say: ‘There is no value in simply being.
There is only value in becoming’.
And by accepting this, it will rob you of your inherent peace and silence.
To be the Self is not a state of laziness.
It is to be in natural harmony.
Keep the attention here in the silence of being.
And at the same time you can notice that your activities don't suffer from your attention being in being.
The invitation here is to go completely through the forest of mind into the pure recognition of what is timeless and perfect.
This is completely possible here.
Don't be afraid.
Whenever a human being has done this, however long ago that is, the rest of the world cannot forget them.
The impact of their presence brings light to uncountable beings.
That presence, I am speaking about is your own true Self.
Nobody is more close to it to another,
or too far from it.
These are mere ideas.
Wake up to what you can never not be.
Seize your chance.

-  Mooji