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Friday, September 20, 2013


There are countless moments in all our lives when the utter conviction that we are a limited, isolated, inside self, separated off from the rest of the world, dissolves away.

Laughing with friends, playing together with children, randomly meeting the eyes of a stranger, the gap between thoughts, being moved by the beauty of a work of art, a piece of music or a film, being out in nature, being ‘in the zone’ when we literally become ‘what’s happening’, making love, watching a beautiful sunset, the satiating of a desire before a new longing takes root, the loss of a loved one when the ground is pulled from under our feet.

And then there is the birth of a child. I look now adoringly at our newborn son, caress his delicate, soft skin, gaze into his endless eyes, see his precious little form cradled in his mother's arms, who, after the pain, the agony and the torment of labour, is now radiant with joy. 

With the profound beauty of it all there is only love; love of such power, such intensity, that any attempt to contain it or divide it is simply blown away.

Often we view these moments as special events or unusual occurrences that stand apart from the ordinariness of our everyday reality. 

But what if the exact opposite were true? What if these moments offer a glimpse of our real, abiding nature, shining unobscured, before our structure of definitions, the virtual world of thought, the 'unreality', reassembles itself and, in being believed in, clouds the view once more?

Then these timeless moments come as an invitation, a catalyst, to deeply explore how life really is, beyond our thought-made interpretation. 

To unveil our true nature, the ultimate mother, whose infinitely fertile womb gives birth to this ever fresh experience called life; gives birth to every sound, image, sensation, taste, smell, thought and feeling, to time, space, colour and form, to the entire fabric of experiencing without ever being separate from it.

Then we see that we are the laughter and our friends, we are the stranger whose eyes we meet, the children we play together with, the lover and the loved, the beautiful sunset, this text on the screen and the message of freedom that it conveys. 

And yes so too are we those powerful energies that thought labels as unwanted and tries its hardest to resist for fear of being destroyed, and yes even those thoughts too, still hung up on the old belief that we are a limited, isolated, vulnerable little 'me'.

Whatever is in experience can never not be what we are. 

That is the pure intimacy for which we long, that is coming home, that is the miracle of love.

