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Sunday, September 22, 2013

The desire to be comfortable being illogical is a primary cause of suffering.

Is it illogical, or is it natural for all beings?

Making a comment on a post that I am not that interested in and then reading other comments that I am even less interested in ... causes suffering this comment will auto delete. As an exercise in intellectual gymnastics methodically take each judgement and desire to its source.

Finding that "comfortable" means a lot of different things to different people and even to me, according to circumstances....

The desire to rid ourselves of desire is still desire. Trying to make a lie true creates physical discomfort.
One can interpreted this as that encounters with the seemingly illogical run against our logical understanding and that trying to be comfortable with this logical vs. illogical battle is what causes suffering.

But this would mean that ending suffering would lie in accepting things as being entirely logical or entirely illogical.
Well, I do not touch the concept of "ending suffering" as that would mean:
1) I have discovered all of its causes and
2) I have discovered the end.

My knowledge is incomplete. I do not know all of the ways suffering can arise. I only know the ones I have experienced.
When I try to become comfortable with a lie that is with a contradiction I suffer. It is a physical experience. In finding the lie, there is a natural return to neutral curiosity.

Everything that has ever happened is actually over and the future never comes. This does not leave a "now" or a "present" unless I want to try to describe what this is.
I have tried and I have failed.
There is no way to describe this except to say it is in MOTION. There is no lie to aging, which is not to say imagining it doesn't happen isn't possible.
It's just silly.

I wouldn't say "striving to be logical" as it appears logical is the default of discovering the lie. The illogical is: 1) a lie and
2) an alternative way of attempting to view reality.

The challenge of the illogical view is it can lead to madness. This is not saying madness is a bad thing. It is, however, a very challenging place to live.
Having returned recently from a long stint of it, I can say the only interesting thing I learned was how to FREEZE during a psychotic break and not get sucked into the frenzy.

It was this freezing, being absolutely still in a maelstrom of voices shouting contradictory instructions, that revealed the natural logic of my immediate experience.
There is no description for the immediate events that applies, which is not to say the immediate events are not intelligible.
Not being able to explain it to you does not mean not being able to explain it to me.

While the concept of mystery is applicable when I attempt to communicate my experience to you, the experience itself is not a mystery.
It is quite obvious.

I don't have a mind, as far as I can tell. I have the concept, but I can't find the thing it refers to. In this way, I do not exactly know what I am even as I know that I am.

Nature is logical and so living as I am is actually fairly simple. I complicate my experience when I attempt to adequately explain it in abstraction.
My immediate experience is far from complicated. There is no "unknown", as far as I can tell. That is another abstraction.
 I look around the room and find computers, a beard, a Murray and a window with a view of pine trees.
I do not find an "unknown".

Logic is experiencing 'what is'.. Nature.

No need to 'think' about it and complicate things.. I see how 'unknown' is abstraction. One more layer of imagined illusion dissolved... I wouldn't say "no need to think about it" as thinking is a very useful tool for problem-solving.

I don't really know what "we" means. I assume it means "shared experience" but I have no idea what that is actually like. I have never lived as anyone else.
What does "we" mean in your experience?
When I want a lie to be true AND comfortable, it hurts.
That is all I am saying.
