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Monday, April 29, 2013

Thank you, for the great gifts of power - reason and knowledge.

Allow me to quiet my ego this day and instead be filled with Your grace. 

Move me to be more interested in connecting with others in a loving way than to isolate in my defended thoughts, and judgements. 

Let me be in being considerate, kind, and open-hearted with all whom I meet. 
I am blessed and am grateful.  

Grant me the grace to lighten up, forgive the past, and dance with my Spirit today. 

I really need to focus on my heart as I exhale, allow my heart to open and ask Your unseen helpers to step in and help turn my challenge into a victory of the highest good for my soul. 
I am relaxed and expect things to improve. 
So it is.

Our Higher Self connects with us through our heart. 
When the channels are open, we feel a warm, open, light, calming vibration. 
This feeling reverberates throughout our body and into every cell moving your consciousness, directing you above the clouds and to the light.

Sending you my friends a day filled with grace, inner guidance and surprising wonderful gifts, take a breath, close your eyes and feel the unseen and subtle loving forces that surround you.

You have beautiful guides who walk with you through life, quietly assisting you to live your best life now and always.
All my love


Just keep in mind.....