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Monday, January 21, 2019

People pleasing are a self-protection pattern. 
If we keep them happy, they won't turn on us. 
But it comes at a terribly high price because, in our fixation with keeping others happy, we undermine our own happiness. 
In our desire to placate others, we deny ourselves.

Perhaps it’s time for a new way: Please others, when it truly pleases you.

People pleasing and unreciprocated kindness will wear the kindest person thin.
When one finally realizes what it is, they begin to understand the definition of self-love and leave those persons behind and change their patterns.

They also recognize when a person is offering kindness as an underlying manipulation and they then can choose not to participate in it because they know it is unhealthy and the cost is too big.
With most all things, if one peels the onion back far enough, fear is almost always at the core.

Stomp it out and replace it with self-love and love those who TRULY love you.

Nobody can make you happy, nobody can make you unhappy.
Rather, you are constantly invited to meet what remains unmet in yourself, to touch what you never wanted to touch, to explore the vast field of your own aliveness.

Making others responsible for how we feel is the beginning of all violence, both internal and external, all conflict between people, and ultimately all wars between nations.

Let others off the hook. 
Embrace what is alive in you. Learn to embrace your own feelings, however intensely they burn and scream for attention.

Celebrate the life in your loneliness, the vibrancy of your disappointment, the electricity in your sadness. 
Kneel before the power in your anger; honour the burning creativity of your fear.
From this place of deep acceptance, you do not become weak and passive. 
Quite the opposite. 
For now, you enter the world from a place of non-violence, and therefore immense creative power and you are open to the possibility of deep listening, honest dialogue, and unexpected change.

You are complete; nobody else can give you that, or take it away.

Don't seek happiness; be it, know it as your very essence.

love light and peace
