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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Osho, once said, “Nothing fails like success”.

You discover a lot about yourself when you hit rock bottom and the same can be said about putting yourself back together again and pushing forward! Life is a process of learning and growth that never truly ends.

Observe your successes and notice the failure of what was promised.
This is because any desire is only a dream, a future program you bought into. Failure or success is head trips, not anything real.

Life is only this moment, no other time is true, real, or existential. This moment is a state of awareness, relaxation, peace, and contentment. We find this moment when we stop and observe. This is what meditation is all about.

I have recently been looking at expectation and how when we have this it causes suffering when it often doesn’t work out the way we want. I have never thought to put failure into this equation until now. We have success based on our expectations. Specific desired outcomes. When this doesn’t happen we see it as a failure and again we suffer. 

So to sum up, we only have the present moment and in that respect, every moment we are working towards a goal is actually the “success” whatever the outcome. 

Are you feeling lost in the world?

Just follow your bliss...

love light and peace