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Monday, April 9, 2018

Writing is not just a spiritual practice, it is also a psycho-therapeutic practice-
forcing to confront my demons,
the voice of not good enough,
issues around abandonment,
our childhood, and
collective download of 'who cares what you have to say?',

Our capacity to sit and focus for days on end while all our personal triggers arise etc.

So many triggers and niggling voices of self-doubt can arise in one paragraph as we are forced to confront the very real distinction between the healthy self-concept and the shamed version.

Yet there is so much growth at the heart of the process if we can let go of our obsession with the ‘perfect’ outcome and see the process as a healing journey.

And if we can stay with it, we will watch as the thing that we are creating morphs over time, ultimately becoming a reflection of the healthier being that wrote it.

A paragraph that is written from ashamed self-concept is radically different from one that is expressed from a place of self-love.

Like anything, we bring a conscious intention to, writing is a profound opportunity to heal and transform, outcome be damned.


love light and peace
