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Tuesday, April 17, 2018


4 am and am still wide awake, this is the best time I reckon, just you and the inner stillness of the soul.

I think each person is inherently a loner, and this healthy alone-ness asks for ongoing renewal and cultivation.

Though embedded in a family, surrounded by love and supported in life, a person needs to have times of 'coming to self', time of aloneness even if it feels like loneliness.

To me, we need to be alone for periods of contemplating and prayer, 

for thinking, 
digesting of experiences, 
for writing and 
for renewing one's resolves.

Even the act of reading for leisure requires the withdrawal from interaction with others; we need to be alone, to be left alone, to have our aloneness respected.

I notice right from when I was young I don't like people at times and I thought I was weird, 

maybe this is it, 
only thus can we replenish the soul-strength that enables us to give to the world around us.

"Be the light unto the world, and hurt it not. Seek to build, not to destroy. By your shining example, seek only Godliness. Speaks only in truthfulness. Act only in love."


love light and peace