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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

On A Nature of Reality

The languages might be the only things alive and the alphabets might be all alone in the middle of nowhere.
The history of everything may have no existence beyond the borders of the languages; past tense as a kind of gate latch.
The presentation of the letters appears to invoke their meaning.
What I am writing and you are reading is what we can do with what an alphabet is and also appears to be.
You translate the colors into sounds and I translate the sounds into colors. We meet in the middle like two nosedives. 

"I", "you" and "we" are their favorite suspicious characters.

What we fluidly call reality ambushes us from all sides.
We try to see what it "IS" and all we find is an electrical storming.

"Two egos can use the signs for the apparent separations perfectly. Eavesdropping, it appears to be an alternative reality, the worlds of "I". Unfindable and perfectly sayable."

The thought seems to be only the sentence we observe live.
We don't appear to have extraneous places to hear sentences.
Reality would have to be a version of an impossible necker shape. One way it's this, another it's this, another still this and that and on and on eternity times infinity equals imagination.
That being said, it was said so maybe it's just the noises themselves, "r/e/a/l/i/t/y".
Probably both-and-and-and...
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Choose opinions wisely. Your entire social experience depends on it.

love light and peace