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Sunday, July 15, 2018

We die inside when we silence our rightful expressive inheritance. 
We die inside when we let fear of judgment obscure our knowing. 
We die inside when we shame and bypass our feelings. 
We die inside when we choose a path that isn’t ours to walk. 
We die inside when we forget our magnificence, encoded within us from the beginning. 
I am so tired of the little deaths of self-diminishment. 
Better to live true.

Keep trying to express yourself and protect the you that you are. We have to be allowed to express our souls.  
Stop blaming others for silencing you and denying your feelings. Take responsibility for speaking your truth and walking your path. 
It is not easy but it is possible when you commit yourself to live an authentic
It requires great courage; you have to emerge from being held down. 

We don't do any good diminishing ourselves for any reason. We do feel diminished when we reluctantly relinquish our authenticity for any reason and it is always felt deep within our soul when that occurs. 

Remembrance of our Divinity leaves us humble, yet whole.

Growing is all about leaps into the seeming unknown. Before you can find your way home, you must linger in the next place of not knowing. 
Stay here until the next step organically arises. Sit until the questions that need to be lived to show themselves. 
By surrendering to the unknown, you create the space for a deeper knowledge to emerge. Befriend your confusion. 
Don't be fooled by its chaotic appearance ~ this is good confusion. It's a sign that your soul is in transition. 
Welcome it as a friend that has come from far away to bring you home. 
Be open to it. 
Keep it close.
