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Sunday, July 29, 2012

The right guidance for the right moment..

Your inner guidance is available but it cannot override the other conversations going on in your head.

Take time to relax and meditate every day, if only for a moment or two, and the wide world of inner guidance will open to you like a flower in spring.

Yes, it’s an amazing experience when you attuning to your Inner Guide! But still a lot of work to do on my ego!

I love that inner voice, the one that speaks my truth. 

This inner guidance, like talking to the wisest being.

Today has opened a tremendous door way to our higher selves. Love your spirit and allow it to shine freely upon your life.

I invite the essence of all that I am to come in and experience every part of today and
Tomorrows with me.

Intuition partners best with reason. Learn all the facts of a situation, denying nothing. Even the parts those are uncomfortable to look at or acknowledge.

Then turn the facts over to intuition. If you are honest about your life your intuition will work beautifully. Try it and you will see this is true.

The best intuition sees reality as the field of intuition. Not vice versa.

When we do the work of looking at a situation honestly and ask for guidance, be on the lookout for small synchronicities on the path to healing. 

Knowing May not come busting in.

When you put the two together you create a mindful response without reason intuition may be off centre until you have learned to truly understand it.

Together you create a powerful tool, use it regularly and enjoy the possibilities.
