Do you want to be a man or woman of honor, integrity and character?
Then you have to act like a man or woman of honour, integrity and character.
Not just once and a while, not just when you are in a good mood, not just around people who you consider important, but all the time.
You have to get into the habit of living a life full of honour.
It doesn’t just happen automatically. You have to practice it and work at it. Sometimes you have to just plain grit your teeth and do it despite your feelings, until the time when acting with honour and integrity becomes automatic.
Aristotle also tells us that excellence is an art form and that it is acquired by training and repetition.
You do not do the right thing because you have virtue, but rather you have virtue because you do the right thing. Your actions and intentions form your character.
Later, when your character has been formed and becomes a habit, it determines your actions.
The warrior must be careful to make his actions and intentions right. He/she has to make a habit out of this until we have perfected our character.
Once we have begun to perfect our character, acts of honour and integrity come naturally, without conscious thought. When you get to this point, living a life of excellence will become your nature.
Your actions determine who you become.