I learned so much about myself, in term of my boundaries, I
became very aware of the moral convictions that are important to me
I learned not to judge people
I learned that things are not black and white
And the way that I defined ‘good’ in the past needed renegotiating.
Being myself is the only thing that I know how to be, it comes in one package, you cannot
choose and discarded the things that you
don’t like....I am who I am, accept it or walk.
It is not always easy because there’s a lot of unnatural scenario
that you’ll find yourself in, you’ll be challenge yourself to find a gracious
way out of certain situation you have not developed yourself yet.
I’m learning as I go, I’m learning the process of boundaries.
I know who I am to my core,
I know what is important to me,
I know what’s make
me happy, and there are certain things about my constitution that are none negotiable.
Because I am comfortable in my own skin, it stays there.
I put my toe in a water that feels disingenuous to me that feels that a
compromises to in any way I’ll get a very bad reaction from it, I know I have
to retreat from it.
I’m learning to process it better, I have to get better to
not being caring of things that is beyond my control, so that is my big
You have to be sure of why you are doing it; from there you
know what your boundaries are. And you are not in any danger of becoming
somebody that you don’t like.
You need to be aware of your place in a bigger picture
because it is not about you and your journey, it get co modified from the outside
and you have to be aware of how and what your plan is to keep your pure on the
When you hop on the bus and you arrived, nobody cares.
People will take advantage of you and what you can offer
them, you have to find out what matters to you, which is your personal journey.
You need to ask ‘Why” are you doing it???
You have to know who you are, certain things are not negotiable....you
got to maintain your dignity because at the end of the day that’s all you got.
Once you Get there and stay there, maintain it, by staying there you can go so much further rather than
doing it all over again to get there again.