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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pride is concerned with WHO is right. Character is concerned with WHAT is right.

The above statements seem to be the same at first glance.

After all, they are both are concerned with being right, right?

Not exactly, there is a big difference between being concerned with WHO is right, as opposed to WHAT is right.

The first statement argues over WHO is right, with little concerned to what is actually right. 

This is all about pride. 

Don't worry about WHO is right, be concerned with WHAT is right. 

All that matters is what is right, not saving face or saving your pride.

If you have the character to focus on what is right, the WHO is right, will take care of itself. 

Be humble and let justice be your guide.

Think Before You Act!

There is one thing that even God cannot do. That is turn back time and undo what has been done. 

You are responsible for your actions, no one else. You are also responsible for the consequences that accompany your actions. 

For this reason, it is imperative that you THINK BEFORE YOU ACT.

The prisons are full of people who acted without thinking their actions through. 

Many were sorry for their actions almost immediately afterwards, but their remorse did not deter the consequences of their actions.

 Karma is not mocked.

Always think BEFORE you act. 

This includes all acts, yes, even speaking. 
You should always think before you speak as well. 

Actions, once performed, cannot be undone; words, once spoken, can never be unspoken. 

