It is so easy to forget how fast the days of your life fly
by, and to get into the habit of just going through the motions, day by day.
You weren't put on this planet to merely stay alive and pay bills; you were put here to learn, to live, to be totally alive.
Don't allow yourself to fall into the trap of the rat race.
Refuse to allow your life to slip by in monotonous boredom. Take a deep breath of life; consider how it should be lived, and then LIVE IT!
You weren't put on this planet to merely stay alive and pay bills; you were put here to learn, to live, to be totally alive.
Don't allow yourself to fall into the trap of the rat race.
Refuse to allow your life to slip by in monotonous boredom. Take a deep breath of life; consider how it should be lived, and then LIVE IT!