Always reason from perfection and work your way backward
from there. Suggest to yourself: "Everything in my life is perfect. It's
exactly the way I, in my higher consciousness, planned for it to be." Do
this no matter how ridiculous it feels!.
Begin believing that there are no accidents in this
world. Tell yourself that every detail of your life, from the day you took your
first breath until the moment you read this list, has been planned right down
to the last detail. Believe also that the entire plan has come to pass without
one single error. This is not just positive thinking. It's the truth.
Ponder: If everything is perfect, if everything has been
planned down to the last detail, and if every single goal in my life has been
realized without a single hitch, then what is it I have really been so
successful at accomplishing?
Begin again in how you have interpreted your life up to
this point. Don't just look for the "good points." They were all good
points, even the experiences that resulted in pain and confusion.
Understand that, at your core, you are a vast and
powerful Spiritual Master. In the other dimensions, you are able to have or do
literally anything you wish simply by thinking it. Know that you came here to
take a vacation from all that power. Part of that vacation is Limitation. Are
we having fun yet?
Become an expert at rationalizing. The modern view of
this wonderfully healing art is that a person tries to find "reasons"
to do what he wants to do. Excellent. Find all the reasons you can, and then go
do what you want to do!
Learn to trust the wisdom that comes to you. Your
personal viewpoint was designed to be the only windshield through which you are
to view the scenery along your path. If you disrespect how things appear to
you, it throws mud on the glass and you no longer can see out.
When you do request or spontaneously receive advice from
other people, realize that each of them is your equal. If you do find yourself
intimidated by a wise or "successful" person, congratulate yourself!
Your little "ruse" about being limited and powerless is working!
You've even convinced yourself!
Having considered all these points, ask you: "What
do I want to do right now that will make a change in the situation?" Realize
that nothing is a perfectly good option. You are where you are for a reason.
If in doubt, leave it out.