All the things that truly matter - beauty, love, creativity,
joy, inner peace - arise from beyond the mind and I don’t need Eckhart Tolle to
tell me that!
Don't get hung up in the theory of words; consciousness,
awareness, being, non-duality, karma, bliss, destiny, love, enlightenment etc. It's
all life, it's all you – Now, what do you want to do?
A decision should not be in terms of what you like and what
you do not like, it should be in terms of what works.
What works better for me if it 'feels' right. That's the
beauty of following one's own connection with Source - wise teachers don't
always have wise answers - but connecting with the spirit within always leads
one rightly - no should here!
If I know there's interference, and what I did last time did
not really work, I override the impulse and do what I know I need to do. It's
like going for a walk or ride; it always feels best afterwards.
So by start practicing your wellness, start practicing your
joy, and don't trade your joy for pleasure because they're not the same.