I will always listen deeply to you,
but I will never try to fix you,
mend you,
stop you feeling what you are feeling or give you second-hand,
memorised answers.
I will never pretend to be 'the one who knows',
'the enlightened one' or
some missionary for a conceptual truth so far removed from real-time, immediate, first-hand present experience.
I will not get into drama with you,
I will not indulge and feed your stories and mental conclusions and fears,
I will not mistake who you are for my story about you, my dream of who you are.
But friend,
I will meet you in the fires of hell,
I will hold your hand there,
I will walk with you as far as you need to walk, and not turn away,
for you are myself, and in the deepest recesses of our experience we are intimately each other, and we cannot pretend otherwise...
I do not tell my friends directly about the truth, as they are not ready to accept it (not all though But by my behaviour, speech, deeds they understand that they should know something from me, though they still don't understand what exactly. For now I am concentrated on my illusive body trying to get illusive enlightenment. What to do, habit is so hard to get rid of ))) But drop by drop the bowl is filled. With support of others who are also on their way we can do anything and even reach nothingness as it is. Have a nice day
"Faith, acts promptly and boldly on the occasion, on slender evidence." It's comforting to choose a path that seems well-lit and predictable. But, once in a while, we seem to know with inexplicable confidence that it's time to take a risk. Moving in faith takes a joyful heart and willingness to surrender perfectionism. Those leaps, both big and small, bring us to a new level of living, thinking and loving.