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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

For no reason that I can see...

another way to have examined

the premise of 'problem'

was to immediately identify it

as was.

what was the problem, truly?

simply asking eliminated
once and for all.

it wasn't me
that was the problem.
it wasn't you
that was the problem.
it wasn't them or us
that was the problem.
it wasn't god or atoms or physics or demons
that was the problem.
it wasn't chairs or hearts or tigers or vibrations or scooters or oil or stars
that was the problem.
it wasn't presidents or yoga or orgasms or cheese
that was the problem.
it wasn't bombs or magicians or liquor or tax
that was the problem.
it wasn't calendars
it wasn't clocks
it wasn't pennies...
that was the problem.

none of that was the problem.

reality randomly
loosely; informally; naturally,

that was
the problem
nothing but reality
had been

Nothing is a problem, but there are problems so let it all be.
