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Monday, April 14, 2014

Authentic voice. Beauty to my ears....


My message today is that little can be solved from a human ego perspective because it was created there. 
You have to go to a higher level or vision....that would be initiated by the heart...

My "life" has not worked from that level and with good reason...I am meant to live it from another level.

 I think we all exist in the world in multiple ways, as individuals trying to find our way in this world the best we can and as spirit that expresses itself in many diverse forms.

One possible way of experiencing how we embody spirit in our lives...We can do that when we hug a child or plant a flower or sit with an ailing friend...

For me it is all sacred, every moment of life, every leaf, every breath and there need not be any separation of the things of the spirit or of this world...we are all things.

We should strive to make this world better and love more..

Truth~ authenticity and intention are key.. 

And sometimes I find the "making a living" need for an equal exchange of energy can be difficult, because bottom line, what matters to those called is to see peace and freedom in the eyes and hearts of others and to aid that in whatever special ways come naturally.
I just observed in the last day the same phenomenon.. 
Synchronistic universe.

When we each live our truth and give from the depths of our own healing, we can serve in an even greater capacity. 

It's important to be mindful of ourselves when we give importance to any thoughts that separate us from other people instead of connecting us.. 
We all have ego's and they have purpose and meaning of their own. 
We need them to navigate in this world and we all come to realize the limitations of the things of this world in our own time and our own way. 

I welcome and love my ego, my child self and all aspects of my human experience. I focus only on being mindful and living as authentically as I can in the moment as often as I can remember to...

By doing that I am connected with the source of my being, with the larger collective experience we are all having and change happens naturally with increasing awareness...

Our sweet little egos like to go for the ride on the spiritual train and if we fight them instead of welcoming them they just develop more and more subtle ways of making themselves feel important...
and it's quite okay to want to feel important...
we all do...
what matters more is that we are kind to one another and reach a little bit beyond ourselves and do something to help the world...
