Where people pull together in a crisis and come together to
celebrate achievement, and form strong and lasting friendships with people of
all different backgrounds, faiths and ages.
We can be a stronger community as a result.
The human need to connect with others is as important to our
well being as it ever was.
Yet we all lead busy lives, concentrated around our
immediate families and friends.
We don’t always have time to get to know the people next
door – let alone people living further afield.
And where people are living individual, isolated lives,
problems can arise.
In the worst cases, people can become suspicious and
hostile, especially towards individuals or groups they see as “different” or
“not belonging”.
Encouraging interaction is one of the simplest, most
straightforward ways in which we can overcome these barriers.
When people have the chance to get to know each other, they
focus on what they have in common, rather than their differences.
This helps to break down prejudice and stereotypes,
fostering instead mutual respect and understanding.