Empathy is an interesting word, often mistaken for something quite different, unhealthy boundaries, not knowing where we end and the other begins.
I think of how often I remained connected to hurtful people and others to me when I was hurtful because I imagined myself empathic. And maybe I was but that didn’t have to mean that I endured their madness.
Our empathic capacity can be as misdirected as any other ability. Just because you can feel where someone is coming from, doesn’t mean that you have to put yourself at risk.
When we allow 'empathy' to keep us invested in that which brings us suffering, when we confuse it with a boundaryless way of being, it becomes just another word for misplaced faith and self-hatred. It is empathy run amok.
It abuses your gift. Better to not turn your compassionate nature against yourself. Empathize with humanity, but shield yourself from harm.
The empath must learn boundaries and honor their instincts to survive... I'd rather be seen as rude than let anyone take their 'stuff' out on. Sometimes the strays you bring home will eat you alive in return.
Empathize is literally to be listened and validated.
That’s it.
That’s it.
Sympathize is trying to fix.
Sympathy it’s when one hasn’t learned to empathize.
I believe the age of sympathy it’s coming to an end. We do not need fixing, we need to be listened to and accepted our feelings.
When we learn to empathize we will no longer sympathize, no more fixing, no more dependence.
Empathy is what makes us human.
When there’s a fresh wound in your heart,
keep it open until it heals.
Air it out. Understand it. Dive into it.
Be fierce enough to become it.
If you ignore it, it won’t be able to
If you ignore it, it will merely deepen,
spread and resurface later,
wanting to release.
And when later happens,
it will hurt even more,
because when later happens,
you won’t know what
you’re bleeding for.
Remain with it until it clears,
and watch the beauty pour
into your openness.
Remain open to feel lightness.
Remain open to feel free.
love light and peace