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Sunday, April 1, 2018

Be you!

There is an infinite supply of people who want to tell you how you should live YOUR life.

Most have good intentions and are trying to give you good advice, but the vast majority of this advice has a major flaw that is usually overlooked - it is YOUR life, and your life doesn't fit into some cookie cutter mould.
You must learn to listen to the voice of your spirit and let it guide your way. Like the saying goes on to say that if you listen to the voice within, 

"Your body and mind will become clear and you will realize the unity of all things."

You were put on this earth to be YOU, not some carbon copy of what your family, your church/mosque, your friends, or some self-help guru says you should be.

Develop the self-confidence to listen to the voice within and live your life your way.

Change can always cause a revolt, even if that change is in our own way of thinking. Happiness is a choice so choose Happiness. 

Be happy!!!
Be do we do to do be done
May the joy be with you
