"Faith, acts promptly and boldly on the occasion, on slender evidence." It's comforting to choose a path that seems well-lit and predictable. But, once in a while, we seem to know with inexplicable confidence that it's time to take a risk. Moving in faith takes a joyful heart and willingness to surrender perfectionism. Those leaps, both big and small, bring us to a new level of living, thinking and loving.
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Monday, November 11, 2013
Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.
You may have the knowledge concerning what it takes to live the warrior lifestyle, and you may think that you are willing to make the sacrifices that it takes to follow through with that lifestyle, but that is not enough.
It is not enough to have the knowledge about something without putting that knowledge to use.
It is not enough to be willing to do something; you must actually take action.
Too many people read book after book, gaining a little knowledge on this and a little knowledge on that, without ever putting anything that they learn to use.
We have more information available to us today than at any time in human history, yet ignorance is still rampant. It does you no good to learn something if that knowledge is not going to be put to use in some constructive way.
We should have knowledge about various things, but we should also make use of that knowledge.
We must apply what we knows to the warrior lifestyle.
Knowledge without action is like having money without ever spending it. It does you no good.
You continue to earn money so that you can use that money to provide for yourself and your family.
Likewise, you should continue to increase your knowledge so you can use that knowledge to better yourself and your life.
Don’t hoard knowledge, apply it.